With FILERO, LIB-IT DMS GmbH offers a universal, web-based enterprise information system for storing and accessing all data of an enterprise: documents, e-mails, etc. as well as paper files.

The leading web-based enterprise information management solution

FILERO is less expensive, faster to implement, easier to use, does not require costly changes to your IT environment, provides more functionality and has a greater impact on your company's productivity than any other system.

FILERO stands for the immediate availability of all corporate content

The FILERO (EIM) system offers the possibility - adaptable to the requirements of the company - to make content, data and documents of all kinds available and thus pave the way for digital transformation.

All data from the various sources is brought together and can be searched and used in a logically coherent manner.

The acute problem

  • Waste of time due to long and partly unsuccessful search for data and evidence
  • Incomplete files, missing files
  • Incorrectly assigned documents
  • Not GoBD compliant
  • Not DSGVO compliant
  • No legal security

Our innovative solution: FILERO

  • an easy-to-use and affordable system
  • all your archiving requirements are implemented in a customised way
  • Documents, receipts and e-mails are found quickly and easily


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Eingeschränkte Erreichbarkeit am 14.12.2023 von 12:00 - 17:00 Uhr

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